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How to Boost Employee Wellbeing During Winter

The days are shorter, colder, and gloomier in the wintertime. This can have a negative effect on employee wellbeing, performance, and motivation. For this reason, employee wellbeing should be a company priority during the winter months. Tips for Boosting Employee Wellbeing in Winter Lack of sunshine, seasonal illnesses, shorter days, work slowdowns, and other factors tend to make people more sluggish and less motivated in...

Health Insurance Agent vs. Navigator: What’s the Difference?

Shopping for health insurance can be a confusing process. You may need some assistance in choosing the right options, getting the subsidies you are entitled to receive, and enrolling in a health plan. You may be able to get the help you need through either a health insurance agent or a navigator. Although both agents and navigators can help you enroll in a health plan,...

New Year, New Life Insurance Review

It is a good policy to review your life insurance every year. If you have paid your premiums on time, the policy will still be there, most likely without any material changes since you purchased it. However, if major changes have occurred in your life, your life insurance policy may need adjustments or no longer suit your needs. Why Review Life Insurance Annually? Conducting a...

4 Winter Risks and How to Protect Your Business From Them

Consumer spending increases for the holidays and business picks up during the winter months. But winter weather also brings certain risks for businesses. The following are some top winter risks and how to protect your business from them. Slip or Trip and Fall Accidents Icy walkways and slippery floors from melting snow can lead to slip or trip and fall accidents on your business premises....

What Is Radon? Facts, Testing and Mitigation

What is radon? This radioactive gas is the product of the natural decay of uranium in soil, rock and water. That means it’s likely in the air you breathe every day. While the potential health risks of radon are very low in small doses, prolonged or high level exposure can lead to serious health concerns – including lung cancer. Keep reading to find out the...